Wednesday 7 October 2009

Caplan and Boettke debate Austrian economics

In 2002 Peter Boettke and Bryan Caplan debated the topic of whether or not someone should pursue a career as an Austrian economist. Bryan argued no, Peter argued yes. The debate is now available on YouTube in 13 videos. Boettke has written of the debate
I haven't gone back over to watch the debate, but I remember two impressions from the time: (1) I am not very good at debate, and (2) Bryan and I talked past each other. I remain unpersuaded by Bryan's critique of Kirzner, and I do believe the world is full of genuine surprise. I also think there is a point about the contextual nature of our knowledge which is loss in Bryan's rendering. However, I do agree with Bryan that ultimately there is only good economics and bad economics. And I agree with Bryan that clarity in thought and argument is much better than buzz words that pretend to substitute for analysis.

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